Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
056 - Family Feuds - Forgive or Forget?
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Family - Love them or hate them but you cannot ignore them. What does family mean to you? Do you feel you cannot break free from those you are bound by blood or marriage even though there is no love lost between you. Are we meant to not only suffer through the trauma of family feuds but also feel compelled to pass it on to the next generation? Exploring what happens when families feud and how we can find a way to understand what is truly at stake. Tune in!
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
055 - Covid19 - Panic or Precaution?
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Tuesday Mar 17, 2020
Let's face it - Covid19 has taken over our lives. Life as normal has completely come to a halt and we are constantly trying to find the new normal. This is difficult because the situation is changing rapidly and most of us are left to decide how to tackle this new threat. The debates keep raging, on whether this is a major threat that requires the measures adopted by most countries or is it just an over-reaction to something that is not as serious as its hyped to be. The divide seems to be quite distinct between those who believe the facts and stats and those who believe it will blow over. Which side are you on? Tune in!
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
054 - Have you been in the Flow State?
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
In the Zone! Ninja Focus! Heard about it but don't know what it really is or how to achieve it? Today I am talking about the Flow State. An optimum state of consciousness that can be achieved by everyone who is willing to go the extra mile to live a life beyond their limitations. Tune In !
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
053 - Seek & You shall find!
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
How can you find something unless you are aware of seeking it, for what you are seeking is also seeking you. Within each of us exists a myriad of emotions. Whilst we have access to these when needed, we tend to hold on to some of them far too long after the event they showed up for has ended. Feeling unhappy about something that is happening is not the same as calling yourself unhappy. Emotions come and go based on situations in life and holding on to them keeps us stuck in time, not allowing us to move forward. You don't have to suffer over and over again for a situation that no longer exists. Be aware of shining your focus on thoughts and emotions that serve you well. Tune in.
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
052 - Miscommunicating or Misunderstanding?
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
We use a complex blend of words to communicate our thoughts, ideas and feelings. Yet, we feel misunderstood. Why is that we are able to speak a language fluently but are not able to communicate effectively? Words are the most common means to communicate with others but not everyone is able to use them successfully. Is it because other are not able to understand us or is it because we are not focussed on finding the right way to get our message across? Let's explore this topic to find out how we can get our message across to the right audience. Tune In.
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
051 - Why do we self-sabotage?
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
Tuesday Dec 10, 2019
You make a conscious decision to do something or achieve a goal and whilst you may have a great start, you find yourself getting in your own way. Most people who experience self-sabotage are not able to understand why they destroy their own chances of achieving what they want. They feel like they have no control over their mind and body and this leads to several negative emotions that can be overwhelming. Tune in to listen to what happens and what you can do to align yourself with your body and mind.
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
050 - It's never too late!
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
What does being late mean? Can we crush our dreams just because we didn't have them at the time we were supposed to? Do we need to be stuck in places we do not want to be in, or do things that give us no joy, just because we feel it's too late to change? Is our life worth giving up over these imaginary rules and boundaries? My search to find the right answer lead me to paths I have always known exist. We have all we need inside of us to make the changes, we need to make in our lives. Never settle for less than you deserve and never quit trying to live the best version of your life. What else is there to live for? Hello and welcome to my podcast - Unapologetically KK!
Friday Oct 18, 2019
049 - Being Unapologetic!
Friday Oct 18, 2019
Friday Oct 18, 2019
What does it mean to be unapologetic. The dictionary definition is "someone who is unwilling to make or express an apology". To me its a lot more than that. Being unapologetic conveys a sense of strength and freedom to be whoever you choose to be and not apologize for it just because you do not conform to a standard. How can an individual by its very nature of being one, conform? What are we conforming to anyway and why? Why are people who forge new paths subjected to ridicule and punished for it? Even in this day and age we are still fighting for our right to be able to express ourselves freely. There are so many different reason for being unapologetic but the one that matters the most is : How can you apologize for being yourself. Stay strong and unapologetic always!
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
048 - Labels are for Jars - Not People!
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Ugly, Beautiful, Fit, Fat, Successful, Good for Nothing, Star, Black Sheep! These are just words right? Wrong!!! They take on a whole new meaning when used as a label to describe someone else or yourself. Why do we do this to ourselves or others? Why, when we can spread love, do we spread hate? Why, when we crave kindness, we still have the capacity to be cruel? Have you ever thought about what just one word like ugly can do to a person. Carrying the burden of labels is excruciatingly painful and so, so unnecessary. Let's stop this cycle of destruction today and give ourselves a new label - EMPOWERED! Hello and welcome to my podcast.
Friday Sep 20, 2019
047 - The Art of Conversation
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Friday Sep 20, 2019
Is the art of conversation dying? Have digital communications not only abbreviated the language by providing emojis and gifs to express our feelings, but maybe also given us a platform where actions do not have to follow words? How many times have you actually laughed out loud when writing LOL or wanted to hug the person or love the person when u sent hearts and flowers and hugs on text messages? Face to face conversations require not only words but a mind body connect too. It has become so easy to say things on a digital platform that we are unable to say to a person face to face. People break-up, bully, abuse and malign others on digital platforms and would probably never have the courage to say those same things face to face. Words account for only 7% of our communication, tone of voice 38% and body language 55%. In digital conversations, are we then only conveying 7% of our actual thoughts? Tune in to listen to the pros and cons of each side.