Thursday May 09, 2019
036 - Is Karma going to get you?
Thursday May 09, 2019
Thursday May 09, 2019
What goes around, comes around! Karma gets us all in the end. Isn't that what we have heard numerous times? Do we really understand the true principles of Karma? The true meaning of Karma is Action. It says that the effect of what we do in the moment will define our future. It is not punishment and reward system as we all imagine but instead it teaches us that through positive action we can change our life at any time. Positive behavior creates a positive life and negative behavior creates a negative life. If you would like to understand this precious universal concept a bit more, tune in.
Saturday May 04, 2019
035 - Forgotten Generation - Do we need to do more for our elders?
Saturday May 04, 2019
Saturday May 04, 2019
We come into this world needing care and we leave this world needing care. However, are we able to love and nurture our parents as much as we do our children? With the advances in medical care, we are living longer than previous generations. Are we able to provide the care and attention the older generation needs? Living and dying with dignity is what each one of us desires and there is nothing worse than making someone who has given us the best start in life, feel like they have been forgotten. In conversation with Shainoor Khoja who wants to dedicate her life and work to giving back to those who have been left behind and feel like they have nothing left to contribute to their family or society. We need to do a lot more for our elders and there are several people who are leading the way to help the Silver Generation live their life with dignity. Tune In.
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
034 - Who will protect them when you are gone?
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
Saturday Apr 27, 2019
We all will reach the departure gate...one day. Have you thought about what will happen to your family when you are gone? Will they be financially secure? The grief of losing a loved one is the single most painful thing to experience and not being able to take care of your family due to financial issues makes it even more traumatic. Inheritance laws can be complicated and difficult to understand and division of assets are not straight forward in the absence of a will. If you have assets then it is imperative for you to have a will to distribute those assets to your loved ones according to your last wishes. The process is quick and easy and can save your family a lot of unnecessary heartache. In conversation with Naila Sarwar who is a lawyer and registered Wills Expert based in Dubai. She answers all questions relating to the why, when and how to register a will. Tune In.
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
033 - Is Work Life Balance possible?
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Long hours in the office? No me time? No family time? No breaks? Sounds familiar? You are not alone in feeling overwhelmed with the amount of time you spend at work and the misery it brings if you are stuck in a job that doesn't make you happy. Doing what needs to be done to get a salary is often associated with dead-end jobs and feeling stuck in them to pay the bills. But what if you could change your perspective? What if you could be a thought leader and make a few changes to improve your work-life balance? In conversation with Maria Haggo who is the founder of Little Miss Wellness, a company that provides wellness programs for corporates and individuals to create their own happiness. Tune In.
Monday Apr 08, 2019
032 - Sexual Harassment - When NO means NO!
Monday Apr 08, 2019
Monday Apr 08, 2019
An inappropriate touch. A crude comment. A sexual advance brushed off as a joke. Sexual Harassment is subtle and if not stopped or reported will become worse and can turn to assault. There is a lot at stake if you speak up but there is a lot more to lose if you don't. What feels wrong to you is wrong and you do not need to conform to anyone else's idea of what is appropriate. There is no easy way out if you are facing sexual harassment. Like facing a bully, you have to take your power back or you will end up losing more than just your job or your relationships. In conversation with Clinical Psychologist Dr. Thoraiya Kanafani to understand what sexual harassment is and what you can do to help yourself face it. Tune In.
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
031 - Ever Heard of Gaslighting?
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Wednesday Mar 20, 2019
Ever heard of Gaslighting? No? Neither had I. Its a form of emotional abuse meant to alter your perception of reality. I am not claiming to be an expert in mental health issues, only someone who is hoping to bring the topic to light one conversation at a time. My sole aim is to highlight the issues causing us so much emotional pain that we are unable to function due to the lack of support and options available. Mental health is not a taboo subject and the more people who talk about it, the more awareness there will be. So lets make talking about mental health as easy as talking about physical health. If you are going through any emotional abuse, get help and if you know someone else who is, then help them get help. Together we can help eachother live a happier and healthier life. Tune in
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
030 - Toxic Relationships - Mend or Leave?
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Sunday Mar 10, 2019
Every relationship has bumps in the road but do you know when that bump turns to a huge red stop sign and its time to leave? Not every toxic relationship is abusive and the signs may not be obvious. If you find yourself constantly anxious and fearful of when the next argument will erupt and how it will disrupt your life, you need to listen to Clinical Psychologist Dr. Thoraiya Kanafani talk about toxic relationships. You are not alone and silence is not an effective way to deal with it. Tune in.
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
029 - Bone Broth - Elixir or Fad ?
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Wednesday Mar 06, 2019
Fad diets can change your weight but good nutrition can change your life... The health and wellness industry is growing by leaps and bounds with new magic solutions being launched on a regular basis. How do you navigate this holy grail for the eternal quest to look and feel great? In conversation with Co-Founder of The Clean Living Company Dean Henry who brought the magical bone broth to the UAE after reaping its amazing benefits. He tells us how it has worked for his clients who are growing rapidly and how he is already expanding into new markets due to its immense success and demand. If you have heard of bone broth but were not sure what it was or what benefits it can bring you, tune in.
Friday Feb 22, 2019
028 - Motivated or Stressed at Work?
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Friday Feb 22, 2019
Stress, Anxiety, Depression. These words are too common in today's work environments. What is it that causes us stress at work? Who in the organization is responsible for ensuring employees are productive and motivated? Why do we stay in jobs that we hate and are we suffering from work FOMO? If you have these questions then you need to listen to Founder and MD of flow2thrive Linda Jarnhamn talk to us about how we as individuals are responsible for our own health and motivation. Tune in.
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
027 - Valentine's Day - Yay or Nay!
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Tuesday Feb 12, 2019
Love it or hate it, Valentine's day is here to stay. I have been on a roller-coaster of emotions towards this day, from wanting the hearts and flowers to labelling myself a Valentine's Day Scrooge, saying humbug every time the day came around. However, life teaches us so much and although the day remains the same, our perspective is constantly changing. Wishing you all an amazing day of love, joy and happiness. Tune In.